Angel Force

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Angel Force
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The Fluffy Little White Rabbit

Once upon a time there was a Fluffy Little White Rabbit. He lived with his mother and father in a wonderful house, close to the forest. They were a happy family and loved each other very much.

The Fluffy Little White Rabbit was very good and obedient and always did what his parents told him to do. His parents loved him very much and always hugged him, enjoying every moment with their child. Mommy Rabbit and Daddy Rabbit worked in the fields, growing delicious juicy carrots. Every morning they woke up early and went to work, and the Little Rabbit went to school to study so that he may also do well in life. Mommy Rabbit gently woke her child up for school and he instantly got out of his little bed to brush his teeth and get ready for school.


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То the parents:

The main educational goal of this fairy tale is to teach children that it is important to listen to their parents.

  • “…the Fluffy Little White Rabbit learned an important lesson: Always listen to your parents’ advice!”

  • “…and always did what his parents told him to do.”

Other notable goals:

  • to feel the love and support of family (the child will always identify and empathize with the main character)

    “They were a happy family and loved each other very much.”

    “His parents loved him very much and always hugged him..”

  • to be reassured that whatever they do, their parents will always love them

    “When they saw their Fluffy Little White Rabbit, they were so happy that they ran out to hug him.”

  • to build the subconscious belief that the child is good and obedient (if the main character is good, the child is good too)

    “The Fluffy Little White Rabbit was very good and obedient. “

  • to learn that it is good to go to school

    “…and the Little Rabbit went to school to study so that he may also do well in life.”

  • to become independent

    “…he instantly got out of his little bed to brush his teeth and get ready for school.”

  • to acquire healthy eating habits

    “For breakfast his mother lovingly prepared a freshly squeezed carrot juice which the Little Rabbit bit enjoyed very much.”

    “..they had fresh and tasty cabbage salad and home-made carrot bread for dinner.”

    …to eat the delicious carrot cake.

  • to learn to share their feelings and experiences

    “On returning home, he merrily spoke of the new things he had learned and of the fun games he had played with the other little rabbits.”

  • to believe that they live in a good and supportive world

    “And just the way it happens to all good children, a friend was nearby.”

  • to learn to be kind by seeing how good it is to help someone in need

    “She knew that when someone is in need, it is good to help them.”

  • to feel calm and relaxed and to fall asleep much more quickly and easily

It is good to hug the child while listening to the fairy tale to impart your warmth, love, and care. After you listen to the fairy tale a few times, work to discover the moral of the story together by asking questions such as: “What did the Rabbit learn?…What did the Rabbit have for breakfast?”… and so on. This will help you to find out what the child has been able to understand from the story (you exercise their memory) and help them reinforce the positive knowledge they have acquired from the fairy tale.

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