Angel Force

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Angel Force
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Visiting The Fairies

Make yourself comfortable, gently close your eyes and enjoy this exciting adventure. Today, we will visit the fairies.

Imagine you are in the middle of a beautiful field, covered with flowers. The birds are chirping joyfully. The wonderful fragrance of fresh green grass is all around you. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the gleeful bubbling of a stream. It is so peaceful here. You look at the flowers. You see that they come in different colors - white, yellow, blue, pink, purple. You know that a special fairy takes care of every different colored flower, and you want to meet those fairies. So, you approach the flowers and you tell them:


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То the parents:

The main educational goal of this meditation is to build in the child a belief that they are good, happy, calm and very confident.

  • "Deep inside, you are convinced:

  • 'I am good,' 'I am happy,' 'I am calm,' 'I can,' 'I am very smart and I remember everything very quickly,' 'I am a strong and healthy child.'"

Other notable goals:

  • to teach the child to relax by enjoying nature

    "Imagine you are in the middle of a beautiful field, covered with flowers. The birds are chirping joyfully. The wonderful fragrance of fresh green grass is all around you. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the gleeful bubbling of a stream. It is so peaceful here."

  • to teach the child to communicate with the Fairies

    "You sit down in the field, next to the white bellflower, and you wait for a little while to see if the fairies are there. ... If they are there, they will certainly show themselves."

  • to teach the child to be patient

    "You know you must be patient, so you give them as much time as is necessary."

  • to instill a feeling of joy and lightness

    "'I want to meet you' means 'I want to go out and play,' says the little fairy with a smile and flies happily into the air."

    "... and on the way she excitedly tells you about herself, about the other fairies and about her life."

    "We all get together here in the evenings, we paint pictures, we sing and dance, in other words, we love to have fun."

  • to teach a friendly attitude

    "I love to have friends. We always have so much fun together."

    "We all get along and we always help each other out. It's wonderful to ... have so many friends!"

    "The little fairy flutters cheerfully around you and says: 'It was a real pleasure for me to be with you today! Thank you for being my friend!'

    'Thank you, Lea, for everything. I had a great time. I'm so glad we met!'"

    "You will be back very soon to play with your wonderful new friend."

  • to instill a feeling of tranquility

    "It is so peaceful here."

    "Lea takes you to one of the shelves a takes down a bottle, on which it is written: 'I am calm.' She hands it to you and says:

    'Try it, and you'll see how calm and relaxed you'll feel.'

    You open the bottle and take a sip of the magic potion. A moment later you feel yourself relaxing and you become even more calm. You get sleepy. (Yawn...) You want to lie down and go to sleep. It is wonderful to feel so calm and relaxed."

  • to make the child believe that the world they live in is beautiful and exciting

    "The world around you is beautiful and awaits you for new adventures!"

  • to help the child fall alseep much more quickly and easily

It is a good idea to hug the child while listening to the fairy tale - that way they will receive the necessary love and warmth. After listening to the fairy tale several times, you can search for the moral of the story together by asking questions like:

"Where do the Fairies live?" or "What magic potions do they mix?"

That way, you will see what the child has understood (you train their memory) and help them reinforce the positive knowledge gained from the fairy tale.

If your child wants to meet the Fairies in real life, you can take them outdoors, to a place where lots of flowers grow. Explain to them that the Fairies do not show themselves for people in real life, we can see them only with our hearts. Tell the child to lie down in the grass and close their eyes. You can meditate together for a moment, guiding the child to feel the sun, the fresh air, the fragrance of the flowers, the buzzing of the insects… Help your child imagine the Fairies in the most detailed way possible and start playing with them…

This way, you develop the child's love of nature and their belief in beauty and goodness.

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