Angel Force

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Angel Force
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Alfin and Bobo

Bobo was the most obedient little beetle in the entire forest. He was very kind and good and that is why all the children wanted to play with him. Bobo had a best friend, Alfin - a cute Alfin, who lived with his mother and father in the anthill next to Bobo’s house. That was why they could play together almost every day.

There was something very peculiar about Alfin’s character - he really liked to get angry. He would get angry at everyone and about everything, but most of all, Alfin would get angry with his Mom and Dad. His parents did everything they could to please him, but in vain; nothing helped.


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То the parents:

The main educational goal of the fairy tale is to teach the child one of the most important psychological techniques, called “The 'I' message” and to understand that instead of being angry and upset, it is better to explain what makes us angry in a calm and communicative manner.

“Always speak your thoughts and feelings in a calm tone and respect the opinion of others.”

Other notable goals:

  • to form in the child the belief that they are good and obedient (the child will always identify and empathize with the main character)

    “Bobo was the most obedient little beetle in the entire forest. He was very kind and good and that is why all the children wanted to play with him.”

  • to teach friendliness towards others

    “Bobo had a best friend, Alfin - they could play together almost every day.”

  • to realize that one’s anger can hurt others

    “Alfin suddenly started frowning - he told Bobo that he did not want to be his friend anymore and ran off into the forest. Bobo stood alone, his eyes filling up with tears…”

  • to know that it is good to wait and evaluate before making decisions

    “He decided to wait until the next day, because he had heard the saying: “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

  • to understand that when we have a problem with a friend, it is good to talk with them, and to invite an open discussion

    “The next morning, Bobo decided that he would give his friend another chance. He had decided to explain to Alfin that his anger really hurts people.”

    “The next day, when Bobo went to school, he asked Alfin if they could talk.”

  • to learn that friendship means joy, understanding and supportive behavior, and to look for friends who share these beliefs

    “If Alfin was ready to work on overcoming his anger, they would stay friends. If not, then Bobo would need to find a new friend to play with. After all, it is important to have fun with your friends without getting angry at each other.”

  • to show the child the technique of “The 'I' message.” (Through this technique, we share with others how we feel and what we think, without aggressively attacking them or insulting them. We simply express our feelings. It is also good to begin with a few positive words; to say something positive about the other person, the wonderful things that we like about them and then to continue on to share how we feel, our frustration, what we disagree with, explaining why we disagree.)

    “Look, Alfin! You are my best friend and I care for you very much. I would like for us to continue playing together, but you really hurt me when you got angry with me, therefore, if you wish for us to be friends, please, let us have our relationship as it was before.”

  • to understand that every change requires courage and patience

    “I know that every change requires patience and courage, and that's why I'll really make an effort.”

  • to understand that it is important for a child to listen to their parents, because parents have more experience and are wiser

    “Mom always says to me that instead of getting angry, it's better that I explain things, say how I feel or what I want in a calm way, and then to listen and respect the opinion of others.”

    “Strange,” smiled Alfin, his mother had often given him the exact same advice. Perhaps the time had come for him to listen to her. It seems that mothers knew more, because they were older and had more experience.”

  • to understand that children should not be angry if they wish to have friends

    “From that day on, Alfin changed. He understood that if he wanted to have friends, he needed to stop getting angry.”

  • to feel the love and support of Mom and Dad

    “His parents were so proud of him, because he had obviously grown up.”

  • to feel calm and relaxed and to fall asleep very quickly and easily

It is best to hug the child while listening to the story to express your warmth, love and care. After you listen to the fairy tale a few times, work to discover the moral of the story together as you ask them the following questions: “Is it good to get angry at others?… Why?… What advise did Bobo give to Alfin?...and so on... This will help you see what the child has been able to understand from the story (you exercise their memory) and help them reinforce the positive knowledge they have acquired from listening to the fairy tale.

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