Angel Force

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Angel Force
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Mila and the Angels

Mila had known about the Angels ever since she was a child. Her Grandma had told her that somewhere up there in the sky lived wonderful beings called Angels, and that they would come to Earth only when someone with a pure, loving heart would ask them for help.

One day, Mila remembered the stories of her Grandmother and decided to ask the Angels for help, because more than anything, Mila feared the dark. She always felt that there was someone there. At night, she did not want to go to sleep unless the light was on, and in no way, no way whatsoever did she go alone into another room while it was dark - she always wanted to have someone else with her. No matter how much her parents comforted her and tried to convince her that she was a big girl now and needed to sleep on her own, she preferred to sleep together with her Mom and Dad in their bedroom.


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То the parents:

Main educational goals of the fairy tale:

  • to introduce the child to the angels (the child will always identify and empathize with the main character)

    “Mila had known about the Angels ever since she was a child. Her Grandma had told her that somewhere up there in the sky lived wonderful beings called Angels…”

  • to teach the child how to communicate with angels

    “For help, just ask your Angels, they are waiting for you to reach out to them. Then, follow the signs they give you and your wishes will become reality.”

  • to show the child a technique for overcoming their fear of the dark

    “Begin to believe that you are brave and face your fear! Go to a room and turn the lights off. At first, stay close to the light switch. That way, you can turn the light on whenever you wish. Stay for a little while in the dark and you will see that the dark is not so frightening, because there is nobody in the dark except you. You may also ask Mom or another relative to stay close by, on the other side of the door, and to tell you that everything is all right, while you are in the room with the lights out. Do this exercise a few times, until your fear disappears…

Other notable goals:

  • to make the child believe in angels

    “Mila smiled. Somehow, she felt that the Angels had done all of this….They gently embraced her and kissed her on the forehead. Mila instantly felt so supported and understood, that she was ready to overcome her fear… And do not forget that there in the dark, your Angels are with you, to protect you!”

  • to help the child feel that they live in a good and supportive world

    “She felt so brave, so confident and strong, as if she had the protection of the whole world. And in fact, she really did, because when someone decides to overcome their fear, not only the whole world, but the whole Universe supports them.”

    “Her Grandma told her that she was very proud of her and that she would always be right there, together with the Angels, to protect her forever and ever.”

  • to develop courage and determination in the child

    “To overcome your fear of the dark, learn to be brave. Even if you are afraid, keep saying to yourself ‘I am brave!’Keep telling yourself that before, during and after you face your fear…” “Begin to believe that you are brave and face your fear!”

    “She decided that she had no time to waste and she got up to go to her room.”

    ‘How to Overcome Our Fear of the Dark’. The advice was short and sweet: To overcome your fear of the dark, learn to be brave. Even if you are afraid, keep saying to yourself ‘I am brave!’Keep telling yourself that before, during and after you face your fear.’

  • to shape the belief that they are a winner

    “From this moment on, you are a winner! You have overcome your fear. That is wonderful!”

  • to teach the feeling of gratitude toward oneself and others

    “She thanked her grandmother, the Angels and, of course, she also thanked herself. She had become stronger and braver.”

  • to feel calm and relaxed and to fall asleep very quickly

It is best to hug the child while listening to the story to express your warmth, love and care. After you listen to the fairy tale a few times, work to discover the moral of the story together as you ask them the following questions: “What can we do to stop being afraid of the dark?… What did the Angels do to help Mila?”…and so on. This will help you discover what the child understood from the story (you exercise their memory), and it will reinforce the positive knowledge they have acquired from listening to the fairy tale.

You may combine the story with art therapy. For example, after the child has heard the fairy tale a couple of times, you may draw a picture together – Mila surrounded by her Angels. Thus, you are able to reach the subconscious of the child more directly. In fact, by drawing Mila, the child is drawing themselves. It will help them feel their angels closer, making the child feel safe and protected.

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